Racial Inequality

Racial Inequality

Monday, November 23, 2015

     Blog #1 Lourdes Pietri
     " It could have been worse, Jack. The only thing we've got is a black man's word against the Ewells'. The evidence boils down to you did- i didn't. The jury couldn't possibly be expected to take tom robinson's word against the Ewells ' are you acquainted with the Ewells?"
       This is basically saying that its down to a Black mans word to a white mans word. At this time during segregation it was always the people of color who were mostly wrongly convicted no matter if they did it or not. Why do this if you can look at them as men , human , and equal . They should have Just listen to both sides of the story and not just determine because of skin color. If I was Living in this world at that time I would be like boo radley and stayed in the house with my shot gun and my child. The people of color during this time was treated so cruel and unfair just because of the color of there skin .abhmuseum.org/2012/08/the-lynching-of-john-carter/.
      This is about a man and accused of murdering a child and another man knocking 2 women of a horse harming them. But that was the wrong person. A big angry mob went out and just grabbed a random black person off the street and hung him and shot him over 200 times. His name was john carter. Im glad that the world has changed a lot lately. That its not that racism is not as bad as it was before. All racism is not gone yet and it may take many more years to come or just never happen . We may never know .There is still police brutality that killed people like Eric gardener and many more. but we did improve very much in the last 100 years.


  1. Yeah I wonder sometimes if racism will ever truly go away. In all this fuss, we sometimes forget we naturally as humans have prejudices. But I would never think it be right to affect someones life in a negative way and never get to know them first.

  2. Lourdes, so true. A black man's word against a white man's word in those times = white man, no matter what kind of man he was. How horrible. What is wrong with people that they needed to attack someone - anyone - for an unproved action and identity? If you read Richard Wright's Black Boy, at one point, Wright's mom tries to keep him safe by telling him to kowtow to unreasonable white whims. Why would one group of people act like that? I could see you protecting your child Boo Radley style. ;-) Thank goodness it's improved, though it's still not perfect.

  3. Lourdes, so true. A black man's word against a white man's word in those times = white man, no matter what kind of man he was. How horrible. What is wrong with people that they needed to attack someone - anyone - for an unproved action and identity? If you read Richard Wright's Black Boy, at one point, Wright's mom tries to keep him safe by telling him to kowtow to unreasonable white whims. Why would one group of people act like that? I could see you protecting your child Boo Radley style. ;-) Thank goodness it's improved, though it's still not perfect.
