Racial Inequality

Racial Inequality

Monday, November 23, 2015

Blog post 4
the trial in TKAM was a very cruel unfair trial it was dealing with rape, and a beating. they were blaming a black, the judge and lawyer are trying to find the correct answer on to who  made the crime to the suspect. the suspects are Mayella Ewell, Mr.Ewells, and Tom Robinson. mayella Ewells is the one that is being raped and beaten by ether mr.ewells or tom robinson. the main person being accused here is Tom Robinson, id say mainly since hes black and they have very bad history among s each other. And Mr. Ewells is Mayellas father who looks to be the main target for Atticus the lawyer in the courtroom. Atticus makes it seem like that the way hes asking Atticus more questions in a fast manner of time, Even the judge had to slow him down the way he asked Mr. Ewells the questions.i thought the way that Atticus was trying to find the true answer was very clever mainly by using evidence and physically making Mr.Ewells doing things to investigate and also the way that Atticus in a way tricks or try to just find a lie from Mr.Ewells by repeating things over and over again. and Atticus saw that she 19 year old was beated on the right side of her face and then made Mr.Ewells write his name on an envelope and investigated that hes left handed and assumed that he would most likely hit her with his left hand and Mr.Gilmer asked him one more question. "About your writing with your left hand are you ambidextrous, Mr.Ewells?"
"i most positively am not, i can use one hand as good as the other. . . 
 what i thought was wrong with this situation was the Ewells side of the story and just blame tom very quickly with just harsh sayings of him. I honestly don't think its tom base on the facts of him, like how he basically only has has one hand-his right hand. and how he seems to be more honest then both of the Ewells and saying that he would be afraid to do something like that because he already knows the basic consequences and thats how how explains when he answers not like the ewells where they just blame tom. What the Ewells could do is by not just think on the over all and just blame, but to also go on with the "story" to at least not make them look like the complete lies.

What i am going to relate this to is Emmet Till. Fourteen-year-old Emmett Till was visiting relatives in Money, Mississippi, on August 24, 1955, when he reportedly flirted with a white cashier at a grocery store. Four days later, two white men kidnapped Till, beat him and shot him in the head. The men were tried for murder, but an all-white, male jury acquitted them.i realted that situation to the trial in TKAM because for two reasons, the first is for the reason the the white males kelled Till wich was just simply his race and in TKAM the Ewells are mainly accusing tom cause of his race, the second part is that i think its very unfair how they still free the white men after destroying a womans child.
here is Emmit Till before being kidnapped and after being kidnapped by the white men.

1 comment:

  1. Jose, great thoughtfulness on both sides - it shows your empathy for all characters involved. It is true that we sometimes think of the Ewells as monsters instead of human beings because of Tom's resulting death. But they are part of the metaphorical mob - and on the fringes of it. I also love how you chose the Emmett Till case, which was contemporary to Harper Lee's writing of TKAM - and you are right. At fourteen, he WAS a child, and someone's baby. The punishment for flirtation is rejection, not a death without trial. How horrible for him and his family. This is also why the Loving Case is important - marriage between people of different races was at last allowed in all states.
