Racial Inequality

Racial Inequality

Monday, November 23, 2015

In the Maycomb County courthouse, Atticus Finch is defending a man by the of Tom Robinson, a black man, who is accused of raping a white girl named Mayella Ewell. 
From the evidence Atticus presented, it seemed that Tom Robinson couldn't have assaulted Mayella because of the way she was punched and choked. One of Toms hand/arm was damaged so he would have been able to punch her the way she said. 
Also Mr.Ewell and Mayellas had some flaws in their testimonies. The reason is some of the things they said were different from each other. And if your going to lie, do it well.    
Scottsboro Trials (1931)

Tom Robinson Trial can be compared to the Scottsboro Trials. In the Scottsboro Trials, nine black boys were falsely accused with raping two white women in Alabama. The result was all were sentenced to death except for the 12 year old. Whats wrong about this is that they killed 8 black boys with no evidence and that were accused of something they didn't do. It sounds very similar to Tom Robinsons case. 

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