Racial Inequality

Racial Inequality

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Are We Beginning Our Decline?

88. There were 88 Democrats in the House of Representatives (along with all of  the Republicans) who voted to allow racial discrimination in car dealerships, with a finishing vote of 332 to 96. This means that when this vote is put to order, car dealerships will be allowed to charge you more based on your race, nullifying the act that the CFPB put into order to equalize prices. How messed up is that? Even though it's wrong, and most of them know it's wrong, money rules over equality. Luckily, none of them were from NC. However, what does that say of us as people? Even in the 21st century, when we were supposed to have a decrease in racism, money still clouds our judgement and makes greedy, horrible creatures. We shouldn't be thinking like we're in TKAM! This is the kind of decision I can see AA and Francis making, not a 21st century democrat! we're supposed to be advancing, not declining. I guess this really was the peak of America's society. Perhaps we'll follow the events of the Roman empire and have our fall, but rather than losing technology and state of living, we'll lose our morals and conscience. Who knows how the future is going to go but if people are going to go back and resume the mental state that they would've had in TKAM, I don't want to take part. Next thing you know, it's not going to be just race, it'll be gender too. We already have discrimination against minorities based on sex, gender identity, race, and sexuality, but it's mainly kept lowkey so the discriminators don't get chewed out. If we continue like we are, the discrimination will be even more blatantly obvious. *sighs* Maybe someone in the government will do something about it, may be they won't. Either way, we need change.

Until Next Time!


  1. This really is sad and unbelievable to be taking a step BACKWARDS! It makes me wonder what came up to even make them reconsider the decision. Very interesting and eye opening blog!

  2. woah i never realized that a car dealership can charge more based on race. I agree with what sequan commented. This is one eye opening blog. I like it! great work (:

  3. This is really interesting!!! And kinda of strange but not surprising. Unfortunately lots of people seem to choose greed over fairness. But still this is still a shock.Car dealerships???
