Racial Inequality

Racial Inequality

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

TKAM in the News


The article in the link above is about some certain controversy about cultural insensitivity through Halloween costumes at Yale University. A women on one of Yale's committees' sent out an email warning campus students to watch out of offensive and insensitive costumes. Many people got offended really quickly. Students started to get upset with the comment because they felt as if some were being called out for not standing up for something they believe when in reality, they were but were never really heard.

I feel like this happens all the time. People stand up for things without getting acknowledged for it or listened too. For example, even in TKAM, if you never noticed, there were some smaller characters (and Atticus) who felt like things aren't equal ever when they should because it doesn't matter if you have more money or opportunities or the color of you skin is different. Those smaller characters stood up for what they believed but were never really noticed for it except maybe once or twice publicly except for Atticus.

Also, the insensitive and racist costumes are already a topic of conversation on their own. The costumes are most of the time a mixture of overdramatic stereotypes that get more hurtful over time. They make me think about how all races have a certain stereotype attached to them as sad as it is. I remember while reading that multiple times someone/people have based a certain type of talking on a certain race (example: Calpurnia talking about how African American's talk compared to everyone else).  It makes me think about how even now, if you're a white girl (or your gonna be a white girl for Halloween which is something I saw someone do), you need starbucks and uggs or something like that. In all honesty, it may not seem hurtful but it can be. You never know how someone feels about something like that.

Overall, incidents like this happen everyday and we can stop it because it's not okay.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like you made very valid points throughout your post. The pictures to me really stand out. Its like a picture is worth a million words. There are so many feelings that could be conveyed by looking at these pictures. Also it is sad that certain stereotypes are matched with certain races because its not okay. And no matter how wealthy, intellectual or what race you are you should be treated equally as someone who doesn't have the same qualities as you.
